Compliance - LIRA Advogados
LIRA Advogados is founded on a solid Compliance Culture, which is the starting point of all our services and actions.
Internally, we have adopted policies and practices aimed at combating illicit, criminal and/or immoral acts such as corruption, fraud, bribery, influence peddling, improper trade, money laundering and crimes against the economic order. We take as a base the best practices, which serve to guide the conduct of each of our professionals.
Therefore, we create a commitment to society, our clients, partners and team members, to practice and spread the Compliance Culture, thus building a fairer society with greater capacity for development.
- Everyone must be treated with fairness and equity. We disapprove of all discriminatory acts, abusive and offensive attitudes, against any person's moral and physical integrity, whether by race, color, nationality, religion, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, physical disability, social position, or any other conduct of a discriminatory nature
- We strive to make sure that we communicate to the public only true, clear, appropriate, and timely information.
- We defend the precepts of freedom of competition. We condemn unfair competition, we do not create or take part of cartels, we do not enter into commercial agreements with competitors to match prices or share clients.
- Since 2014, after review, evaluation and approval of compliance, we are certified by TRACE International, which, through a due diligence process, shares our information with all its global partners;
- Since 2015 we are signatories of the Business Pact for Integrity and Against Corruption (Clean Company), based on the UN Convention against Corruption and the 10th principle of the Global Compact and the guidelines of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), aiming to promote a more honest and ethical market.
- In 2016, we registered in the Dun & Bradstreet, who is a world leader in commercial data, being in the market for more than 170 years with a presence in 220 countries and more than 240 million companies evaluated in the Global Database. Through the Duns Number, it links information about suppliers, customers, and commercial partners, thus providing us with a more complete view of the risks and opportunities in commercial relations.
We foster the culture of Compliance in our speeches, articles, reports, and other projects. We share our experience and the benefits of adopting good conduct practices.
- We are based on our values for a better relationship with customers, with a view to contributing to the development of your business. We value integrity, to expose points of view that may be contrary to its recipients, to possess and improve our knowledge, to better guide our clients in a precise and clear way and, thus, to gain loyalty and create a relationship of trust;
- We are primarily committed to the companies, we do not condone any illicit behavior, even if only reprehensible, always reporting to the instance immediately superior to that of the one who carried out the conduct;
- We are committed to the constant development and improvement of our technical knowledge, always aiming at the best orientation and support to the demands of our clients. Our professionals have the duty of diligence in customer service, translated by an attentive, helpful and cordial attitude. The requested information and inquiries should be answered in an agile, complete and accurate manner. Keeping our clients informed, clarifying them about any doubts about our activities, business and results;
- Assertiveness is the mark of our technical opinions issued. All are meticulously reviewed, subject to internal discussion and double-check, in a continuous improvement exercise;
- We work under the obligation of information confidentiality. In this way, the confidential nature of any type of information related to our clients that are not known publicly known, obtained in the development of the activities related to our activity prevails. Failure to observe confidentiality shall be subject to the determination of responsibilities in the civil and criminal spheres;
- We seek to identify the needs, expectations and opinions of our clients, aiming at the improvement of our services;
- We are open to complaints from our customers, sent by any communication channel. We are always available to solve any type of conflict or dissatisfaction, in order to maintain a lasting relationship with our clients.
- Our basis for having a better relationship with clients is our values, as we wish to contribute to the development of their business. We care for integrity, while exposing views that may be contrary to the client's, and also for having and improving our knowledge, in order to better guide our clients in a precise and clear manner, thus gaining their loyalty and forming a relationship of trust.
- Our primary commitment is towards companies, so we do not condone any unlawful behavior, despite it only being reprehensible, and always report to the instance immediately superior to the one having such behavior.
- We are committed to constantly developing and improving our technical knowledge, always aiming at providing the best guidance and support to the demands of our clients. Our professionals have a duty of care with clients, by having an attentive, helpful, and cordial attitude. The information and inquiries requested must be answered in an agile, complete, and accurate manner, keeping our clients informed and making sure to give them explanations about any doubts regarding our activities, business, and results.
- Assertiveness is the hallmark of our technical opinions. All are thoroughly reviewed, internally discussed, and double-checked, in an exercise of continuous improvement
- We work under the commitment of confidentiality. In this manner, any kind of information relating to our clients that is not known to the public, obtained as a result of our activity, remains confidential. Failure to observe confidentiality will be subject to the attribution of liability in the civil and criminal spheres.
- We seek to identify the needs, expectations and opinions of our clients, in order to improve our services
- We are receptive to complaints from our clients, made through any communication channel. We are always at the disposal of our clients to resolve any kind of conflict or dissatisfaction, aiming at keeping a lasting relationship with them.
- We do not offer and actually condemn offers or requests of any kind for the purpose of obtaining a benefit or incentive, whether monetary or not, as well as getting any undue advantage or privileged relationship.
- We do not offer or accept requests or suggestions for the provision of courtesies, such as gifts, presents, trips, dinners, etc., in exchange for favors or requests for facilitating relationships with the government.
- We do not hire employees who are relatives of government agents, because of their kinship, but neither do we avoid hiring people for the same reason. The recruiting processes are guided by objective criteria.
- We run our business without the influence of ideology or partisanship.
- Our staff members are allowed to engage in political activities, as long as these do not interfere with their responsibilities, and provided that they are carried out outside the working hours, acting in their name and without involving the name of our firm. Besides, personal political contributions should not be made for the purpose and/or expectation of a return of any favor and/or favoritism.
- Whenever it is in accordance with the principles and guidelines of our policy, we will also follow the code of conduct of the organizations that hire our services.
- The hiring of services, such as lectures, courses, and events from a public official must always follow technical and objective criteria, which will not consider the position held by such official as any differential feature taken into account for hiring the services, but only the service itself.
We seek the continuous improvement of our policies, through internal training, information feedback, and the evolution of our qualities
- We aim to promote human and professional development, by adopting policies and practices to ensure dignified, healthy, and motivating working conditions. We do not tolerate any kind of disrespect or form of unworthy work.
- Our professionals must not violate any rules, be vigilant, and avoid any conflict of interest, real or potential, reporting to their superior if it occurs.
- Our professionals must not ask for or accept, for themselves or third parties, payments or benefits of any kind to carry out their activities at the firm.
- Our staff members must not use their position, access to information or the name of the firm, inside or outside the work environment, to obtain personal benefits or advantages of any nature for themselves or for third parties.
- They must not receive or pay commissions, of any kind, or payments in general to or from customers and partners.
- We do not encourage the receipt or offering of gifts or presents.
- All professionals must commit to the code of ethics and conduct and must report cases of violation if they become aware thereof.
- Any professional who violates the principles set out in this document will be subject to disciplinary sanctions/measures.
Criticism, notes, and complaints regarding the conduct of our professionals that violate our Compliance Policy are encouraged so that we carry out our continuous improvement.
The Conduct Committee, independently, is responsible for managing, monitoring and updating the scope of this code, and taking appropriate action, if necessary;
The applications set forth herein do not exhaust the ethical themes and expected behaviors, according to rules, good practices and customs;